
The Initiatory way of Service

Further to research conducted in collaboration with the Research Institute of Human and Social Sciences for Peace Promotion, the International Sufi School proposes the Initiatory Way of Service, the path conducive to the making of figures of service.

This path can be summed up according to six essential steps:

Awakening consciousness

Common sense

A priori, you consider yourself as a person acting in consciousness. You consider yourself as an absolutely free and totally responsible person.

Are you really?

Common sense guided Gandhi in his youth. Listen to him talking about how conventions mattered to him when he was a student in London:

The initiatory way to Peace

The International Sufi School has taken interest in the life and works of Emir AbdelKader, Koffi Annan, Baha’U’llah/Abdul’ Baha, Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba, the Dalaï Lama, Shirin Ebadi, Sister Emmanuel, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, Wangari Maathai, Nelson Mandela, William Penn, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mother Teresa and Jody Williams.

Our school has carried out a detailed study on the lives of those fifteen peacemakers who have had such beneficial impact on society that they have become enduring symbols.

Peace training


Twenty Peacemakers, twenty lives studied by the International Sufi School. Some of them won the Nobel Peace Prize while others, although being less famous, brought moments of real Peace. What is so particular about them?